
and Multiplying

Disciples of Jesus

Through MicroGroups

Making Disciples: One Microgroup at a Time


and Multiplying

Disciples of Jesus

Through MicroGroups

Making Disciples: One Microgroup at a Time

Transforming and Multiplying

Disciples of Jesus Through MicroGroups

Making Disciples: One Microgroup at a Time


and Multiplying

Disciples of Jesus

Through MicroGroups

in Ukraine

Making Disciples: One Microgroup at a Time

Transforming and Multiplying

Disciples of Jesus Through MicroGroups

Making Disciples: One Microgroup at a Time

Global Discipleship Initiative (GDI)—in partnership with the local church—motivates, equips, and coaches pastors and Christian leaders to establish indigenous, MicroGroup-based, disciplemaking churches, both nationally and internationally.

Ralph Rittenhouse
and Greg Ogden
Making disciples one MicroGroup at a time.
What Others Say

Learn how to hand off your faith to others by multiplying disciples.

How to Get Involved

CMG is a Coaching MicroGroup

A Coaching MicroGroup (CMG) is our introductory training tool on how to grow healthy multiplying MicroGroups. In 8-12 weeks of online sessions, you are equipped to know how to launch your

own MicroGroups. New CMGs are starting all the time.


Regional MicroGroup Forums

Join us for a special one-day, disciplemaking event, featuring GDI leadership as well as pastors and local church leaders who are multi-generational disciplemakers.


Training MicroGroup Cohorts

Equip leaders in a mutually supportive and stimulating environment, who intend to turn churches and ministries into communities that fulfill the Great Commission’s imperative of making reproducing disciples of Jesus with particular focus on MicroGroups.