In-Person Regional Sessions and Weekly Zoom Calls

Coaching MicroGroups

A Coaching MicroGroup (CMG) is our introductory training tool on how to grow healthy multiplying MicroGroups. In 8-12 weeks of online sessions, you are equipped to know how to launch your

own MicroGroups. New CMGs are starting all the time.


What is a Coaching MicroGroup (CMG)?

A CMG is an abbreviated experience of the relational dynamics and key success indicators of a MicroGroup (3-4 pastors and/or principal lay leaders). Under the guidance of a CMG coach the participates will be prepared through practice to launch their own MicroGroups after approximately 8-12 online weekly sessions. These groups then serve as the foundation of a growing, organic network over time to infuse a disciplemaking culture in your church.

Why do you need a Coaching MicroGroup?

Our experience at GDI tells us that when people launch groups without sufficient knowledge of what to do or not to do, they often end in failure. We are trying to avoid the common mistakes that people make. For example, a pastor is convinced that a MicroGroup does provide the environment to transform and multiply disciplemakers.

They think, “If one group is good, let’s start 50 groups.” People are assigned to groups with great hope, and a year later you have a remnant left with a bad taste in your mouth. We teach you to “Start small. Go slow and deep. Think big." You will learn the common mistakes, but even more importantly, the success factors.

What will you learn through hands-on practice in a CMG?

+ Why 3-4 is more replicable than one-on-one.

+ Why 3-4 is the context to grow transparent trust.

+ How to grow relational trust.

+ Steps to take to successfully form a MicroGroup.

+ Why the combination of context (MicroGroup) and content in a relational setting is so powerful.

+How easy it is for each person to lead the MicroGroup.

+ How to offer the invitation to join a MicroGroup.

+ The necessity of a covenant and how to help people embrace it.

+ The core model that GDI proposes for how to make reproducing disciples.

Who Should Participate in a Coaching MicroGroup?

A CMG is suited for pastors and church leaders who 1) are convinced that the mission of the church is to MAKE DISCIPLES who will in turn MAKE DISCIPLES; 2) have tried program after program and yet have failed to make disciples who reproduce themselves; 3) think that perhaps the MicroGroup approach has promise but are not exactly sure how it all works; 4) would like to experience the MicroGroup process before buying into the approach

for their church.

How does it work?

You will join three others with a coach for a weekly online experience of group life in a MicroGroup setting. The CMG will provide you with enough of a taste so that you can in short order (approximately 8-12 sessions), be able to initiate your own MicroGroup in your church. In addition, this will be a first step in a much longer journey of growing reproducing micro groups that have the potential of transforming your church into a disciplemaking community.

What is required of CMG participants?

As a participant in a Coaching MicroGroup, I will:

  • Read Transforming Discipleship by Greg Ogden, prior to the launch of the CMG. In the first couple of online sessions, you will discuss the critical distinctives of this proposed approach to making reproducing disciples.
  • Meet with your group weekly online for approximately 90 minutes for approximately 8-12 sessions as needed.
  • Complete the designated lesson in Discipleship Essentials prior to the group meeting and be prepared to interact over its content.
  • Actively participate in guided sharing activities as a way of highlighting and personally experiencing the highly relational nature of these groups.
  • Practice leading the group for a minimal one session. This will occur after the coach has modeled the facilitation process one or two times. The coach’s approach may either be replicated or adapted. At the conclusion of the lesson, you facilitate, and you and your coach will discuss the experience.
  • Form your own MicroGroup if you have become convinced of the value of the MicroGroup for transformation and multiplication of disciples of Jesus.

What kind of ongoing support can you expect from GDI?

Once CMG members are sufficiently prepared, they then start MicroGroups of their own. CMG participants, who are leading a MicroGroup, then meet monthly with a GDI coach, for mutual support, encouragement and problem-solving.

We want you to receive additional encouragement, equipping and coaching by participating in our annual regional events. Some pastors and church leaders will become so passionate about disciplemaking that you will want to make it the focus of your ministry. Once you have led a MicroGroup and fostered reproduction of groups through your initial participants, you may want to consider our in-depth GDI online cohort training. (See Cohorts.)

What is the cost for participating in a Coaching MicroGroup?

The suggested donation for participation in a CMG is $300 per participant. Payments may be made as follows:

1. Give online by clicking on the DONATE button.

2. Choose monthly or one-time donation and the amount.

3. Select United States National Director.

Regional Disciplemaking Forums

Register here: Midwest Regional Disciplemaking Forum, October 11, 2024

Download flier here.

Join us for this special one-day, disciplemaking event, featuring GDI leadership as well as pastors and local church leaders who are multi-generational disciplemakers. Learn and discuss tested and proven disciplemaking strategies to empower and apply in your ministry immediately!

Northeast Regional Results: March 8, 2024

Brian Tracy (pastor at Evangel Assembly and NE Disciplemaking Region coleader) and I have prayed for 6 months that the disciplemaking seeds would be planted firmly in the hearts of the disciples during the Northeast Disciplemaking Forum, and God answered our prayers! Now let's pray that we see a harvest of reproducing disciples in the months and years to come.

Our role at GDI is to water those seeds and cultivate the fleshly planted field by motivating, equipping and coaching.

There were over 60 in attendance, including Nick Fatato, the Superintendent of The Southern New England Ministry Network, a fellowship of more than 180 churches and over 500 Assembly ministers serving throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

We are planning similar disciplemaking events throughout the US. For more info about Coaching MicroGroups or Regional Disciplemaking Forums, contact Dave Schanuel,

United States National Director. Call 816-703-8324 or email