
More Testimonials about MicroGroups

We asked how disciplemaking has made a difference in their lives, and here are some of the many responses.

2024 MicroGroups

  • "He (pastor) comes back to the office so excited!" (from an assistant to a pastor in Massachusetts)
  • "It's magic! MicroGroups free me to be me. They are not like a class for discipleship with a dozen people." (from a 90-year-old woman in Florida)

2015 MicroGroups in California

1. “I have learned I can do it! I’m into the Word so much more, and I know what I am here for.”

2. “I have learned that through the process of Discipleship Essentials that lives change. I’m excited to disciple others. I have become focused on God’s work.”

3. “God has taught me obedience to the leading of His Holy Spirit. I’m finding I can do it! I’ve always wanted to go deeper with the Lord. It’s finally happening.”

4. “I am becoming more accountable and focused.”

5. “I see my importance in the discipleship process. I’ve grown in my commitment. I’ve become bolder.”

6. “I love the connection within our group. They are the first friends I go to for prayer. It has been wonderful to hear and share for different perspectives of our chapter themes. Discipleship Essentials gets me into the Word. I am more confident in knowing His story.”

7. “I’m praying for others more often with an open heart to those in need.”

8. This is encouraging me to speak up and share with others and to have joy and not fear in doing so.”

9. “I have learned that through the process of Discipleship Essentials that lives change. I’m excited to disciple others. I have been become focused on God’s work.”

10. “As a disciple in God’s Word, I see my mission is to pass on the baton and disciple others. I’m growing in patience with others and love as God is patient and loves me me. Witnessing is not just leading people to Christ but caring and discipling them in their faith to grow and help others grow in God’s Word together.”

11. “This gives me encouragement to pursue a new career path I believe the Lord has revealed to me.”

12. I have experienced the power of an almost daily walk with Christ. I have learned to share more time and energy and food.”

13. I learned that under the joy of spending time with God and with sisters in Christ. I’ve become closer to God and closer to others. I’ve experienced the importance of making disciplers among those in our church fellowship, being known and knowing each other in Christ.”

14. “I like intentional discipleship. Relationships are intentional as well. It happens on purpose.”

15. “I learned that men are most often alone and worshiping alone. I have grown as I am not alone and that I can worship with others and enjoy it. I have changed and I am involved more deeply in the lives of others and in our worship. We should not hold back or introducing others to begin discipling. The material we love is perfectly suitable for high school and above.”

16. “We have to do God’s work (make disciples). This is not a country club.”

17. “I was coasting. It’s time to take action and get involved in God’s calling.”

18. “I’m learning to be closer to God and to be a loving wife to my husband that God wants me to be. It is also teaching me how to lead others to Christ. We are living in a temporary home. Since starting my triad in January I have seen the Lord working more and more in me.”

19. “I’ve learned to be more intentional about sharing the things God has been teaching me and not keeping it to myself. That is selfishness, and I grow as I share and see others grow in return.”

20. “Discipleship Essentials causes me to have a deeper more meaningful relationships with other people in my life that I’ve known for years but have not really invested time in a relationship with them.”