Quiet Time - SOAP from Wayne Cordeiro

Spending time to meet with God, who is waiting for you each day, builds that vertical relationship.

Try a SOAP Journal approach, writing 1 page a day: S-Scripture; O-Observe; A-Application; P-Pray

Quiet Time

Spending time to meet with God, who is waiting for you each day, builds that vertical relationship.

Try a SOAP Journal approach, writing 1 page a day: S-Scripture; O-Observe; A-Application; P-Pray

SOAP Journaling revolutionized my daily devotions.

How? I was not just reading a passage of Scripture or checking off a list of spiritual disciplines. I am actually meeting with God! He is speaking to me. Jesus is waiting for me to meet with Him. The Holy Spirit is reminding me and bringing words alive! I am energized instead of robotically reading and listening for specific application. No more empty ritual to perform.

I am meeting with my Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus by means of His Holy Spirit in me.

Not only is this rejuvenating to realize that I am meeting with an actual Person, but I am aware that He is real and wants to be with me.

I am not alone. Our relationship becomes stronger. No longer is my "quiet time" a task. No longer are "devotions" a ritualistic discipline. Instead, I am energized to see and hear what He says!

NOTE: During your time of SOAPing, your mind may recall various items. Keep your agenda or a blank list beside your SOAP journal.

That could include a “To Do” list, ideas for writing, people to contact, groceries to get. Keep those on a separate list or have your agenda nearby. That distraction becomes a blessing as God the Holy Spirit reminds you of priorities. Ask God to show you what 3 main things to accomplish for that day. Then you are not overwhelmed to accomplish unrealistic expectations of yourself and others.


The origin of SOAP Jounaling is from The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro. First, surrender your heart to listen. Maybe you are reading Scripture, listening to sermon on the radio, or a watching a YouTube video. Be aware of an “aha” moment that catches your attention. Then, write down that verse and reference. That's the S of SOAP. Capture that thought. Write down that verse.


Then list what you observe. That is the O. Think of who, what, when, where, why, how questions to answer and respond briefly. Time may be an issue for you. Keep it short. Do not expect an essay every day. Some days, a few words from one verse is all you observe and apply and pray about. For other days when there is more time, write more. Start practicing a habit: 5 minutes, and then increase. Develop your own communication strategies.


Now is the part where application is practical. What God brings to mind becomes integrated with your own experiences, memories, and specific world events. Little notes about what is happening, integrated with what you have read, tend to trigger thoughts. Get them out of your head and onto paper. That is the A.


Last is P. Pray about it. Write a short sentence for one of the ACTS: Adoration to praise God; Confession to name wrongdoings; Thanksgiving to be grateful; or Supplication to ask for others (or yourself). Of course, you can continue to pray silently or aloud without writing everything down on paper.


SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 3:5-6            DATE: _________

TITLE: Life Is Not Fill-in-the Blank    

TOPIC: Destiny                                  


.....Write out 1 verse.


.....Mention one who, what, when, where, why, how (wwwwwh).


.....Identify what to do.


.....Write a sentence prayer